In my last posts I wrote about the importance of respecting the space and time of others. This time I write about the pace of life.
When I'm in another place I have a feeling that I'm taking the rhythm of the place with me.
A month and a half ago I was in New York to give a lecture at a conference. I felt how the fast pace of life in New York caught up with me. To do more and more, the fast pace in serving food in restaurants/talking to people and walking. I felt like I started walking really fast from place to place, when I didn't really have a goal where to go.
This week we were in Greece for a family vacation. I felt how time suddenly stopped. How do I have time to do anything? We sat in cafes and looked at the sea. Everything was calm.
Just to clarify, I don't sit for a moment, not even on vacations. Always in the ‘making’, always somewhere else. This time I felt how time has a life of its own. And it was great. I felt the stop.
It reminded me that when I was on assignment in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, already upon arrival at the airport I felt that time stand still. It was such a strong feeling that I still feel it today when I write about the experience. Just a different pace of life.
But something of it sticks with us when we return. When I returned to Israel after the assignment and continued at a slower pace, I remember my sister saying to me "but you are Israeli" and I realized that in fact we are not coming back the way we left.
Have you also experienced a change in the pace of life? How does this manifest itself to you?
Dr. Efrat Tzadik
Immigration and integration expert
Certified coach for empowerment and self-development